
Gardner Center staff produce a wide range of publications, from articles in peer-reviewed journals to research reports for community partners, case studies, and more.  

Research Report: Redwood City School District Mental Health Counseling Program (Year 1 Implementation Study)

Redwood City School District set a goal that every student will receive “appropriate social-emotional supports designed to meet their needs,” including a plan to place a full-time, district-employed, licensed clinical mental health counselor in each of its twelve schools for the 2021–22 and 2022–23 academic years. This report provides an initial analysis of that effort.  

Authors: Geiser, K. , Elliott, E., Heck, D., Jackson, K.

Research Report: Housing Instability and Educational Outcomes of San Mateo County Youth

In partnership with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and 22 San Mateo County school districts, the Gardner Center explored how local students experience housing instability, the effects of housing instability on academic outcomes, and how cross-sector strategies can better identify and serve these students.

Authors: John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities

Summary: Housing Instability and Educational Outcomes of San Mateo County Youth

In partnership with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and 22 San Mateo County school districts, the Gardner Center explored how local students experience housing instability, the effects of housing instability on academic outcomes, and how cross-sector strategies can better identify and serve these students.

Authors: John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities

Exploring the Experiences of College Students from Los Angeles County

A group of 10 students, who each had participated in a college access/college success program, conducted research to understand the experience of college students in the Los Angeles area to help shape a new set of strategies for the Los Angeles Scholars Investment Fund.

Authors: Student Action Research Fellows