College, Career, and Civic Readiness
College and Career Readiness in San Jose: Implementation and Outcomes Study of SJ Aspires
Integrated Supports for College & Career Readiness in a Linked Learning Approach
The Mismatch between Postsecondary Education and the Bay Area Economy
Promoting Educational Equity through Expanded Learning Opportunities
Examining College Access and Completion among Boys and Young Men of Color
Youth participatory action research: Positive youth development with the power to ignite change
Early Childhood (0-8)
Supporting Continuous Learning and Improvement in the San Francisco Head Start Collaborative
Evaluating and Promoting Kinder Ready Clinics in San Mateo County
An Implementation Study of the Early Childhood Language Development Institute
An Implementation Study of the Early Learning Mathematics Initiative
A Study of Preschool for All Participants in Redwood City School District
Families, Communities, and Schools
Redwood City & North Fair Oaks Community Needs Assessment Survey
A Study of Homeless and Highly Mobile Students in San Mateo County
Research Partnership to Support the Mission Promise Neighborhood
Full Service Community Schools in the Oakland Unified School District
Collaboration with CORE Districts to Design a School Accountability System
A Study of Sequoia High School Students' Perceptions of School Climate
A Needs Assessment Study of the Family Engagement Impact Project
Youth participatory action research: Positive youth development with the power to ignite change
Out-of-School Time
East Palo Alto Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success (YESS) Collaborative
Research Partnership to Support the Students with Amazing Goals (SWAG) Initiative
Youth Leadership and Community Engagement in the East Palo Alto Arts Community
An Implementation Study of the Oakland Kids First PASS-2 Program
The East Palo Alto and Belle Haven Youth Asset Mapping Project
A Study of English Learner Afterschool Program Participation in Redwood City, California
Youth Health and Wellness
Stanford Redwood City Sequoia School Mental Health Collaborative
An Assessment of Barriers and Solutions to CalFresh Enrollment in San Mateo County
A Study of the Relationship between Playworks Participation and Student Attendance
A Study of the Sequoia Healthcare District's Healthy Schools Initiative
Youth Development and Motivation in Redwood City Middle Schools
A Study of Positive Youth Development in Redwood City, California
An Implementation Study of Playworks in Eight Bay Area Schools