Gardner Center staff produce a wide range of publications, from articles in peer-reviewed journals to research reports for community partners, case studies, and more.
Gardner Center staff produce a wide range of publications, from articles in peer-reviewed journals to research reports for community partners, case studies, and more.
This brief takes a close look at how the Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning (YELL) program facilitates the development of three skill sets among young participants: (1) communication; (2) analytic thinking; and (3) positive involvement in the community.
The YELL Handbook, with over 300 pages of structured agendas and planning resources, is free to download so that organizations can run their own youth research and leadership programs.
This brief focuses on the Summer Bridge program at Kennedy Middle School, showcasing key community school design features in action and how these features support student success.
This is the story of how the Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning program was implemented in a West Oakland neighborhood.