Gardner Center staff produce a wide range of publications, from articles in peer-reviewed journals to research reports for community partners, case studies, and more.
Gardner Center staff produce a wide range of publications, from articles in peer-reviewed journals to research reports for community partners, case studies, and more.
This guide discusses how to foster career competencies, youth development, and academic mastery via workplace learning experiences.
This chapter reconceives the roles of teachers, counselors, and community-based partners as coaches for student success.
Gardner Center researchers investigated student attendance patterns at schools within the Mission Promise Neighborhood to understand whether they differed from those at other schools in the San Francisco Unified School District.
This guide prepares high school counselors to support college and career readiness for all.
This publication describes how to engage family, youth, and community members as champions for equity and college and career readiness.
This chapter discusses how to align school-level student supports with district-wide strategies and standards for student learning.
This chapter describes how to build college and career knowledge in continuation high schools for youth who are at risk of dropping out of high school.
This chapter addresses how to unite K–12 and postsecondary leaders to help students persist and succeed.
This chapter sums up what we are learning about integrated student supports for college and career readiness.
How a rural school district in California worked to improve college readiness and completion among the county’s student population.
This brief provides a demographic snapshot of enrollment in the Continuation High Schools and district-operated Community Day Schools (“alternative schools”) for youth over 16 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, Fresno, and Oakland.
This brief shines light on the potential of culturally and linguistically responsive practices and meaningful family engagement as powerful levers to enhance quality early learning experiences for multilingual learners.
In its "Theory of Change," San Mateo County's Early Childhood Language Development Institute articulates its goals, the strategies it employs to reach them, and anticipated long- and short-term outcomes.
This brief shares findings about Early Childhood Language Development Institute (ECLDI) programs at two early learning sites, where ECLDI provided training and support to program leadership, teaching teams, and families.
This brief provides a demographic snapshot of enrollment in the Continuation High Schools and district-operated Community Day Schools (“alternative schools”) for youth over 16 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, Fresno, Oakland, and San Francisco.
In this large-scale field experiment, undergraduates at a large, selective university used a course-planning web application; the result was lower overall student GPAs.
A final analysis of the SWAG program found that participants demonstrated statistically significant increases in credit accumulation and increases in graduation rates.
This study shares how San Mateo County's Early Childhood Language Development Institute (ECLDI) puts its mission into practice, with a particular focus on best practices of teacher professional development.
This important book explores how education time can be expanded, reimagined, and reorganized to enhance the educational opportunities and outcomes of disadvantaged students.
Initial results from the first year of the SWAG program showed modest increases in the average number of credits earned by participating students, as well as small improvements in average GPA.