The CORE Districts and Deeper Learning

The learning demands of college, career, and civic readiness imply that all young people in public schools must have access to deeper learning opportunities that will prepare them to master rigorous academic content, think critically, work collaboratively, and learn to apply classroom learning to real-world contexts. As well, districts are being called on to play a central role in developing the strategies, capacities, and professional accountability systems that are equal to these new learning goals. Against this policy backdrop, the California CORE district leaders have joined in a long-term collaborative to explore common strategies for advancing student achievement in their individual districts. This brief begins by defining deeper learning and explores its importance to educational equity and the goal of college and career and civic readiness for all public school youth. We conclude with an examination of how the CORE district leaders have collaborated with the Gardner Center, Transforming Education, and other partners to design a school accountability system that ensures equitable access to deeper learning opportunities for all youth by focusing on a process of district-led, continuous organizational learning and improvement.
Suggested Citation:
Ruiz de Velasco, J. (2015). The CORE Districts and Deeper Learning. Stanford, CA: John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities.