The Relationship between Playworks Participation and Student Attendance in Two School Districts
Playworks is a program that aims to create "safe, inclusive school environments where kids can grow, lead, and thrive" (Playworks, 2013a). Through trained, full-time coaches focused on recess in low-income elementary schools across the country, Playworks provides opportunities for inclusive play, and physical activity. Based on prior research indicating that Playworks can improve school climate and reduce bullying, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Playworks, and two San Francisco Bay Area school districts partnered with the Gardner Center to study whether the positive outcomes of the Playworks program may reduce absenteeism by decreasing student aversion to coming to school. This study focuses on elementary and K-8 schools and students participating in Playworks and includes a comparison group of students in similar schools not currently participating in Playworks. The research design includes a series of multivariate regression analyses estimating the relationship between Playworks participation and student attendance.
Suggested Citation:
Leos-Urbel, J. and Sanchez, M. (2015). The Relationship between Playworks Participation and Student Attendance in Two School Districts. Stanford, CA: John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities.