Systemic, Integrated, and Sustainable Family Engagement across the Early Age Spectrum in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties
This brief reports findings from a needs assessment study conducted to inform project planning for a systemic, integrated, and sustainable family engagement initiative--the Family Engagement Impact Project--in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. The needs assessment consisted of two surveys administered to low-income, immigrant families and the providers who engage them. Approximately 800 families and 120 providers across six communities participated. The surveys explored how families and providers think about families' engagement, what resources they utilize to support young (0-8 years) children's learning, and what resources would support a more system effort to engage parents in their children's learning and development. Parents and providers who participated in the study reinforced the critical need in the field for novel approaches to family engagement that are systemic, integrated, and sustainable. Furthermore, they reinforced the necessity of ensuring family engagement is linked to learning, dual-capacity-building, and culturally responsive to families' needs and experiences.
Suggested Citation:
Fehrer, K. (2014). Systemic, integrated, and sustainable family engagement across the early age spectrum in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. Stanford, CA: John W. Gardner Center for Youth and their Communities.