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Accountability for Alternative Schools in California

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California's alternative education options for youth vulnerable to dropping out of school have been established at different historical points and for different student age and target populations. For purposes of this brief, we define an "alternative school" as belonging to one of six legislatively authorized types of public (non-charter) schools that meet the definitions of the Alternative School Accountability Model (ASAM). These schools are operated by different local agencies - school districts, county school boards, or juvenile justice agencies and the courts -and governed by overlapping and sometimes legislatively superseded or otherwise inoperative portions of the state Education Code. Currently, the California Department of Education (CDE) is considering the development of a new accountability system for alternative schools that aligns with Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) for all public schools.

Suggested Citation:

Ruiz de Velasco, J. and Gonzales, D. (2017). Accountability for Alternative Schools in California. Stanford, CA.: Policy Analysis for California Education.


Accountability for Alternative Schools Policy Brief.pdf

Jorge Ruiz de Velasco
& Daisy Gonzales
Publication Date